Saturday, December 10, 2011

Vacation :D

Ok no more poems.

  So tomorrow morning I'm leaving to go on my annual mexico vacation! This year, we've decided to go on a cruise, which is a lot different from the resorts we usually go to. The last time I went on a cruise was when I was in the second grade, so I think that this one will be quite different from that one. Considering I was probably a lot less social and stuff.
  Cruises I mostly just a nap-and-eat situation. I remember our usual schedule for the day, and it wasn't much. To make it easy for you to understand, I'll use bullets. And because I love bullets.

~ Wake up
~ Sit in bed and wait for others to wake up
~ Fall asleep while waiting
~ Wake up again
~ Get dressed
~ Go eat breakfast
~ Save chairs on deck
~ Take nap
~ Wake up and wonder when lunch
~ Go get snack
~ Walk around deck
~ Eat lunch
~ Take another nap
~ Do some kind of activity
~ Get ready for dinner
~ Eat Dinner
~ Go back to room
~ Go watch show
~ Eat something
~ Watch Tv in bed
~ Sleep, at a pretty late time

  Wow that was long..... I guess the days aren't that eventful. And what I mean by "eventful" is that we do more than just: SLEEP AND NAP. Though that's pretty much the base of what we do.
  On two days of our vacation, we will be stopping in a town. I'm not sure which cites, but I know that we were supposed to be stopping in three but we can't go to the other one because it has a high level of drug dealers and stuff.... So yeah, a little creepy.
  Also, on the last night of our cruise we will be taking oh-so fancy pictures in oh-so fancy dresses and dress shirts. We still have a whole bunch of professional pictures around the house, where we all look way different then we are now. I had super short hair, and my brother looked like he was 6. In those pictures, we were all wearing something blue. My mom and I in blue dresses, and my dad and brother in blue dress shirts. However, this year we somehow failed to communicate on which color we were going to chose so we all have a different scheme going on. My dress is yellow and white, my moms is some kind of pink/red oriental dress, my brother has some dark grey (almost metallic) button up shirt, and I have no idea what my dad is wearing. So we'll be all "You gotta problem?"
  I'm starting to feel like blogging is just like my online diary, except I don't post all of my personal thoughts and feeling on here...
  BUT ANYWAY. I'm also glad that I get to miss a whole week of school because of my vacation! Even though I have so much homework to make up -_-.

Well I'm not gonna be on blogger, facebook, gmail, or any internet for the whole week. And If I do, it'll be on some mexican computer. So see ya'll!

Monday, December 5, 2011


Winter is almost here
And the air is getting quite cold
Some of the kids might jeer
When I put on my big, fat coat

But I really don't mind
Especially when they come running during lunch break
Trying to be extra, extra kind
Just to see of they can wear my jacket.

  Ehhhh, that was a horrible poem. I need to either improve, or just stop doing it all together.

  Well, since I've last posted (Which I realize has been quite a while ago), I've had actual stuff happen to me! Yay. Most of them are pretty recent though, that's kinda the reason I didn't post last week when I wanted to. Everything pretty much happened during this last weekend. Either that or I just can't remember what happened to me last week...
  So on Saturday was my little cousins birthday party. It was supposed to be for her and her older sister, but since she's younger everyone kinda cared about her a little more, which kinda made me feel really bad about. Their names are Emma ( The three year old) and Ali (The 12 year old). Emma is one of the most interesting toddlers I have EVER met. She not only has a incredibly wide vocabulary that's a little inappropriate for someone her age, but she absolutely hates my brother. I'm not even kidding. She actually hates my brother. I know it's his fault that she hates him, but it's still HATE. The reason why she hates him so much is because he's always "teasing" her and "joking and kidding" around with her. I swear he's gonna a horrible father when he grows up.
  When we arrived at their house, Emma was in another room so at first we just sat down and everything. But the moment that she walked into the room and saw my brother, she gave him the most dark, evil, and scary look I've ever seen on a three year old. I don't know if I can describe this right, but what she did was tilted her head down and then looked up. So you couldn't really see her eyes but you knew she was looking at you. Then her legs and arms were just plain straight, and she was just standing there with a odd frown on her face. She looked like some kinda mass murderer from a horror movie!!
  The only one thing she wanted for her birthday was a Dora Kitchen, as hard as it is to believe. So when her dad walked into the room carrying the fancy, perfectly made wooden kitchen, I already knew what I was going to hear: "But I wanted a DORA kitchen.....!!". Which was exactly what I did hear. Even though she ended up loving it in the end, I still kinda felt bad about how she said that..... Hahaha.
  So the next day, or yesterday, wasn't very eventful. But. I was sick. Not like sneezing and coughing and blowing my nose kinda sick, but this HORRIBLE 24-hour stomach bug thing. I usually get these about 3 to 5 times a year for no reason, and it's so painful! I kinda still have it today but it's not nearly as bad as it was yesterday. I even skipped a shower because I couldn't get off the couch, THAT BAD.
  Let's end this in a high note, which is my winter vacation! This year we're going on a cruise, around the trop-i-cal regions ;D. It's kinda funny because we aren't going to one of stops because of a high risk in drug dealers in the area so...... Heh heh. I mean, what could happen?! Just get mugged by some mexican dudes and maybe miss our boat and be stranded there until we regain our consciousness.... or until we get to our grave.... Anyway. Next sunday morning we'll be on a plane to some town in California, then be boarding the boat around lunch time. I'm so excited for all the foods we get to eat, the warmer weather, the week missed from school, and most importantly: FLIP FLOPS!!! Yes. I love me some flip flops. Though I won't miss school, I'll miss all of my buddies. I'm even going to miss my best friend's birthday party....Like I did last year D: It suuuuucks. But No offense to her or anything, but I wouldn't give up a cruise for her birthday...... Sorry!

Well, my hands are starting to cramp up, and my brother is going to watch Harry Potter. So byyyyeeeeee!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

An Actual Post!!

Pens are glorious
In every way they can be
They make me feel victorious
In the hand markings I can see

  I like that poem! :D Well this is my actual post for the week, following my previous one explaining why I hadn't been posting for so long. Though nothing has really happened in the past week and a half, so that's good.
  Today was all about watching anime and a lot of pens drawings. Usually I'm not into anime at all, but a lot of my friends are. Anime is a very, very, VERY weird thing in this world. Everything is extremely graceful, all the people have amazing /oddly colored hair, and they're bodies are either extremely skinny or the occasional overly fat people. I also drew a unicorn on my hand. Her name is Paulina, named after my giant stuffed unicorn "Paul". She's drawn in the finest pen that I could find!
  Well, besides that I'm on Thanksgiving Break right now, nothing else has happened.... I've realized that my posts are getting a little shorter, or so it seems, every time I type a new one. Maybe nothing interesting in going on in my life. Oh well. I'll talk to you later my little lemon drops!!


Blogger I swear
If you had hair

I don't mean to be so violent but, blogger is being really stupid. Well, at least to me. I spend a long time typing my last post on Friday and the Sunday before that and they didn't show up in my posts! I just noticed that now and I am EXTREMELY angry. Currently I am on my iPod Touch that I love almost too much, and I'm hoping that this post will show. When I get on our computer I'll post an actual post, but for now this is just something to explain my absence. Goodbye my loves!

Friday, November 11, 2011


Even though time is just time,
There is no crime
For checking it

It happens to be
The wonderful three

  Yeah... That was a weird poem. Well today was 11/11/11, which is an incredibly important day in all of our little kid lives. We will never see that date again after today, unless we live for another hundred years (Which could be possible). In gym, we were playing basketball and our game was so intense that I had no idea why everyone was cheering and screaming all around me, since it was 11:11. I made a very secret wish, that I ain't tellin no person! I'm also making a wish at 11:11 PM today with Emily Scott, doubling it for extra measure :D
  So on Facebook this week, there's a poll on there that asks you to complete the following problem: 5+5+5-5+5+5-5+5x0. Almost all of my friends answered "0", which, to your surprise, is wrong. My first thought was "0" but only for about a minute. I then realized that it couldn't be THAT easy to have so many people answering that question on a daily basis. I went over the other choices of answers and found that the answer was 15. Of course the answer to everything multiplied by "0" is "0", but in this case, the answer is not.
  According to PEMDAS, you have to do multiplication first which would be the last five and the zero, so that would equal 0. Now, most people would get it and just do the math with the rest of the fives, which would equal 15.
  I updated my status to "The answer to 5+5+5-5+5+5-5+5x0 is 15, NOT 0!" I checked facebook about an hour later to have 15 replies all saying "NO IT'S ZERO DUUUH" "I THOUGHT YOU WERE SMART!" "EVERYTHING TIMES ZERO IS ZERO DUR DUR DERP". Well, the capslock is slightly over exaggerated, but you get the idea. When I replied with how it's right, they all felt incredibly stupid. Mwahaha.
  Well, that's it for now! I hope to post soon, maybe something interesting will happen!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Bleeeeh Blaaaaah Bloooo

Being sick
Just makes me tick.
All you do is sit in bed
With a headache in your head

Blowing your nose
And shaking down to your toes.

I think I'll just start off all my blogs with a poem.... Yeah 'cause I'm awesome like that. Well, I'm sick, if you haven't noticed. This will also be a really short post. Considering it ends right after this period.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Jr. High!

  Hello my little lemon drops! I was searching my name on the internet, which I do just about every single Saturday, and I came across some old Buzz posts, Facebook thingamahjigs, and most importantly: MY BLOG! I was reading through all of my old posts, and realized that they all start the same way, "I just remembered I have a blog!" "I haven't used my blog!" "I know I haven't been updating my blog but here I am!".  I thought that when I was going to make a blog that I'd post something everyday and be all happy go lucky. BUT NO. Of course, how the heck could I manage that!? I guess with Facebook and stuff all the people who know me are already up to date with my "Happenin times". So I guess my new goal should be to update every month or so.....which already seems hard, since my last post was in May. One way or another I WILL get around to posting, just you see!
  Now down to the actual story here. I'M IN JR. HIGH!! I'm not saying which, just in case there's some stalker person wanting to know, but I'll just say this: My school is amazing. Sure, there's all those lovely, very-missed people that had to drift away to different schools or cities over the summer. Many of those people I'd like to name here: Olivia, Sam, Eric, Colton (Moved to a different COUNTRY), Abby (Two years ago), Ashley, Jasmine, Journey, Estelle, Luan, and Victoria (Who's going to move in a couple months). Yes, I know. I have so many friends. There's still plenty of my good ol' buddies around, and some new ones too! "I've met new creeps and some fun new peeps". That's gonna be my new Jr. High motto, only 'cause it RHYMES! Now I wanna make a poem.....So I will!!


In the land of a Jr. High
Some people like it
And others just sigh,
"When will it ever end?"

The homework is back
Along with the grades.
There's the few that slack,
And many where it just comes naturally.

Friends come and go
New people jump in
To ride in your flow.
Endless change.

More gossip and trends
New brands to own
And more bucket loads of makeup on your friends,
Which somehow bothers you.

More boys to stalk,
which creeps them out,
When you watch them like a hawk.

But all in all
It's part of life
Your future call
is on the line.


That last stance was SUPER cheesy. Well, I'm bored with typing now....So I think I'll leave you people, whoever reads this anyway. I have the feeling to look up celebrity blogs.....Nope it's gone. I think I'll take a shower, that would be nice. I need to get away from the background noise of my brother and cousin playing Batman and screaming like crazy. I still didn't really catch you up in what's happening in life. Just so you know, that poem wasn't how my Jr. High experience is working out. I don't stalk boys. I   help my friends stalk them but I don't do it for myself. That, would be creepy.
  Maybe I could some it up in a few words, maybe in bulletins. 'Cause bulletins are fun. So here we go I guess. Maybe there'll be a short paragraph at the bottom again.....I don't know. Depends if my fingers are ready to fall off yet.

☼ Taking the "Wheel". You get a new class every quarter. Just finished Spanish\French, on to Garden to Plate.

☼ I have the most awesome locker position ever

☼ Arianna has already dated three different guys in the whole first quarter LOL

☼ I wear pigtails a lot....

☼ I've been "asked out" by a kid. He rides a unicycle. My friends keep saying "Hey katie, I'll take you to the movies on my unicycle. Heh heh." Of course I rejected him.

☼ Doing the mile every tuesday is hard.

☼ I seem to talk to a lot of really short guys a lot. I don't know why. ha ha

☼ New creepy kid named Parker is super creepy.

Yep that's pretty much it.....Now bye yall!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Yay. Another post, just like I promised! Since I last posted, nothing really important  happened except for our school carnival! IT WAS AWESOME! My goal was to take pictures of as many peoples' faces as possible! And some people that had face-painted mustaches. So... this is just gonna be a really short post 'cause I really don't feel like "Extreme Typing" at the moment.....Yeah. TTYL! :D

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


  So I was sitting in class today playing Apples To Apples with my Study-Hall buds, when I realized:

  I, have a blog. I, never go on it.

  So right when I got home I went on the computer and checked it. Which leads me to what I am doing right now, typing. But, before I starting typing, I looked at my old posts. My most-recently-but-not-very-recent post was in January, talking about everything that was happening in my life at the moment. I said that there was going to be a "Part 2". I lied.
  I'm going to continue posting as much as possible because if anyone ever needed to read this, like if I got murdered and the needed to know more about me, they would find that information right here. I'm going to try to make this blog as long as possible so if someone happened to randomly click on my blog that they would see this GIGANTIC paragraph and think that I'm a professional blogger, which I am indeed not.
  Okay, starting from where I left off in January, here's some things that have happened in short, little bullets:
〫I got an iPod Touch for my 12th birthday
〫This cat I've known since a couple summers ago, the one I feed ham to, got matts. So we took her to the vet and figured out who she belonged to and stuff like that.
〫I new girl came to our class, and she's pretty cool. Her name's Kimi.
〫It's almost summer, which means almost Junior High!
〫More and more drama.
  Now let's learn more about me! I have brown hair that's always in a messy ponytail. The only closed-toe shoes that I actually enjoy wearing would be sneakers. I have a Gaia Online account, my username is I Dream Of Cookies. I love cats and sometimes people call me a crazy cat lady because I openly express my love for them by drawing them in various ways. I don't wear make-up, 'cause it's gross. I hate it when people say like bad words or something, and then you accidentally say one and they get all mad at you. I hate it when people type on the computer like they're 4 years old and have to find a way to abbreviate a three-lettered word, and they don't capitalize ANYTHING. When people do that they don't put a lot of feeling into the words. Sometimes, to me, it kind of sounds like they're being rude, even tough they're not. Example 1: hey wutup r u bsy tday? Example 2: hahaha ur so fnny (It sounds sarcastic right?!?). So please people, type like a normal human being!!
  Anyway, on to another problem. And that problem is that I have to get off the computer now! So I promise that I'll type more and post more! Bye Bye!

Friday, January 28, 2011

I was completely bored...

    I sat on the computer. I had nothing to do. So I went and check on my blog! I haven't been on it forever, and I completely forgot about it. So I decided to just type about EVERYTHING! I hope this takes a while because I need something to waste my time.
   So at the moment I'm listening to the Ratatouille Soundtrack. I really love french-y kind of music. It soothes me. It makes me relaxed. Happy, happy music.
   I went on my mexico vacation on the 14th of December. I went to one of those hotels that let you eat all the food you want, drinks, pool, etc. I really want to be back there right now. I am REALLY craving a non-achoholic margarita at the moment. Something really sweet. Juice.....Yes juice would be heaven.
   My birthday is in February. My 12th one; almost a teen! The 12th is also Abraham Lincoln's birthday too. Leading the country is in my blood I tell you!
   School. The drama central. The place kid's don't want to go. Ugh. I usually don't mind school very much, but this year it's getting on my nerves. It wanna get out of it. I'm starting to get bored ALL THE TIME, starting to doodle, count the minutes, and make funny faces at my neighbor's. It feels like when we go to lunch that we've been in school for so long, but it's only been half the day.
   But outside is where it REALLY bothers me. Girls are starting to get in their, "Let's ruin other girls lives because their not pretty and too weird." Any suggestions of how to deal with this? Leave it in the comments please. Part 2 of my life long post is coming soon!