Monday, December 5, 2011


Winter is almost here
And the air is getting quite cold
Some of the kids might jeer
When I put on my big, fat coat

But I really don't mind
Especially when they come running during lunch break
Trying to be extra, extra kind
Just to see of they can wear my jacket.

  Ehhhh, that was a horrible poem. I need to either improve, or just stop doing it all together.

  Well, since I've last posted (Which I realize has been quite a while ago), I've had actual stuff happen to me! Yay. Most of them are pretty recent though, that's kinda the reason I didn't post last week when I wanted to. Everything pretty much happened during this last weekend. Either that or I just can't remember what happened to me last week...
  So on Saturday was my little cousins birthday party. It was supposed to be for her and her older sister, but since she's younger everyone kinda cared about her a little more, which kinda made me feel really bad about. Their names are Emma ( The three year old) and Ali (The 12 year old). Emma is one of the most interesting toddlers I have EVER met. She not only has a incredibly wide vocabulary that's a little inappropriate for someone her age, but she absolutely hates my brother. I'm not even kidding. She actually hates my brother. I know it's his fault that she hates him, but it's still HATE. The reason why she hates him so much is because he's always "teasing" her and "joking and kidding" around with her. I swear he's gonna a horrible father when he grows up.
  When we arrived at their house, Emma was in another room so at first we just sat down and everything. But the moment that she walked into the room and saw my brother, she gave him the most dark, evil, and scary look I've ever seen on a three year old. I don't know if I can describe this right, but what she did was tilted her head down and then looked up. So you couldn't really see her eyes but you knew she was looking at you. Then her legs and arms were just plain straight, and she was just standing there with a odd frown on her face. She looked like some kinda mass murderer from a horror movie!!
  The only one thing she wanted for her birthday was a Dora Kitchen, as hard as it is to believe. So when her dad walked into the room carrying the fancy, perfectly made wooden kitchen, I already knew what I was going to hear: "But I wanted a DORA kitchen.....!!". Which was exactly what I did hear. Even though she ended up loving it in the end, I still kinda felt bad about how she said that..... Hahaha.
  So the next day, or yesterday, wasn't very eventful. But. I was sick. Not like sneezing and coughing and blowing my nose kinda sick, but this HORRIBLE 24-hour stomach bug thing. I usually get these about 3 to 5 times a year for no reason, and it's so painful! I kinda still have it today but it's not nearly as bad as it was yesterday. I even skipped a shower because I couldn't get off the couch, THAT BAD.
  Let's end this in a high note, which is my winter vacation! This year we're going on a cruise, around the trop-i-cal regions ;D. It's kinda funny because we aren't going to one of stops because of a high risk in drug dealers in the area so...... Heh heh. I mean, what could happen?! Just get mugged by some mexican dudes and maybe miss our boat and be stranded there until we regain our consciousness.... or until we get to our grave.... Anyway. Next sunday morning we'll be on a plane to some town in California, then be boarding the boat around lunch time. I'm so excited for all the foods we get to eat, the warmer weather, the week missed from school, and most importantly: FLIP FLOPS!!! Yes. I love me some flip flops. Though I won't miss school, I'll miss all of my buddies. I'm even going to miss my best friend's birthday party....Like I did last year D: It suuuuucks. But No offense to her or anything, but I wouldn't give up a cruise for her birthday...... Sorry!

Well, my hands are starting to cramp up, and my brother is going to watch Harry Potter. So byyyyeeeeee!

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